Monday, January 7, 2013

Combust my dog

Please please please times a million don't set my dog on fire. I love him and he is my spirit animal.

When he was a little puppy(I've had him since the second he was born because he is the one of the 8 products of my first two dogs for fornicating) I would take him away from his mother aka my old dog Cassie and she was cool with that. I would be I mean she had 8 puppies to watch.

He has since grown up and is 5 and he likes to lay on my clothing and follow me everywhere. The vet says I'm part of his theoretical wolf pack.

Me and Midnight often wrestle and he has separation issues so when I make him sleep downstairs, or when I go to the bathroom he cries. He's like me but less hormonal.

We even like some of the same things. For example me and him both have love for fluffy bread, peanut butter, rice, and jelly beans(I only give him like 2).

My boyfriend of perfectness is a cat guy because of stuff that happened when him was a kid but I think he'll like midnight... Hopefully. Or I'll cry. Like my dog. In the morning. When I don't pet him. What's with my excessive use of periods.....?

Any who LOOK ITS MY DOG! Ain't he adorbs? He's me in dog form and equally as cray.

Combust my school

Sure. Set my school on fire. See if I care. Actually please don't my school is rather overcrowded and the freshman and ghetto people tend to clog hallways so that would be a fire hazard and we would all die untimely deaths.

But some of the people at my school have fell out of the tree of common sense while the rest of us chill happily in it.

Exhibit A. Girl gets in fight. Gets suspended for like the 5th time. Decides she is done with her education because of this. Assumes her father can pay her way through college because he works with the government.

Exhibit B. Boy is passionate about shoes. Someone steps on his shoes. Goes and starts a fight

Exhibit C. Boy does not like tech class. Boy is a super senior and needs tech to finally graduate. Boy finds ways to get kicked out of tech class each day such and sing rap songs really loud and skip around the classroom. Boy just ends up deciding to skip for the rest of the year.
Boy will remain a super senior.

Exhibit D. (Sorry to my school officials I gotta call you out on this) teacher has just graduated college aka he is like 22. He does not really know the reins but is rather smart. School hires him to teach honors level students who are very confused and end up wanting to kill said teacher.

Exhibit E. Girls argue constantly over celebrity gossip. Examples: when lil' Wayne got out of jail. When the biebs smoked. When 1D does anything.

Do you see what I have to deal with on a daily basis? All while waking up at 5 am to get to school at 7, dancing outside of school, keeping my grades up, and maintaining a good relationship with my new and perfect boyfriend. Oh and soon getting my permit is gonna be thrown into the mix. Honestly I just want high school to be over so I can go to college. Anyone else?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Combust my boyfriend

My boyfriend... Is probably insane. Our convos consist of the words, when I see a cat I go meow and stop molesting my penguin. He deals with my falling down all the time and I deal with his pervyness. And he gets me food. Food is the way to my heart 🍕🍔🍟🍗🍖=happy girlfriend.

He got me a penguin too. And he makes sure I'm not cold. And he creeps up behind me sometimes and since he's way taller and looks older, he generally looks like a rapist. But that's okay.

Today he tried to convince me penguins could fly and that sleeping with my penguin that he is holding hostage, will help him remember to give it back.

He's always sleeping but idc. We take naps together and he helps me with math and I teach him what he missed while he was sleeping in chem. We've been friends for two years. And we're rocking the whole blasian couple thing. Yeah I'm an Asian lover. Deal with it. Or don't. Whatever you do, remember to not get caught up in life and to love.

Combust my exams.

Literally. Set them alight. Start a chemical fire and invite me to dance upon their ashes. You'd be my best friend.

I'm having a case of midterm-itis as I call it. When you come back after break and have exams, everyone slacks. We slack so hard all our mothers wanna find us. They go cray. Look at that beautiful attempt to be hip. How did the word hip get hip again anyway?

Anywho midterms, they suck, as everyone probably, hopefully knows. Your days are so consumed with last minute relearning and no time for fun or the magical world of boyfriends which I recently jumped into.

The only thing good that comes out of this is half days. Half days galore! Half days make my life. I just want to hug them like a fat penguin (ps penguins can't fly just making sure you know). Maybe on the first half day I can get to combusting those exams. And rolling in their ashes. Oh I think it's song time: I like burn my exams I like to dance in them I like to roll in the ash with my friends! That wasn't a good song, but you guys get it.

Combust my life.

The definition of combust is a spontaneous reaction that produces light heat and generally burns. Aka and explosion.

My life is an explosion. Of what I have no clue. Some type of crazy book come to life probably. My life is full of spills and accidents and mess ad clutter. Kind of like the mall at christmastime. Just 2 weeks ago I was skipping in the movie theater and tripped and fell over my feet and my boyfriend had to pick me up.

This blog may contain variations of omg like ermahguhr and ohhhmyyygossshh. Also words like cool beans, teenagerdom and penguins may pop up. If you don't like it, get out. Not really, I have a personality disorder where I want everyone to like me so, get out if you feel the need to. I feel like dr Phil.

Anywho, enjoiii!